Behind the Scenes at #INTERSECT

What goes into the making of an interdisciplinary work?

A day short of the #INTERSECT premiere, we shadowed the artists and their collaborators at work in the performance space. While Rajyashree and Susanta are at OddBird Theatre, the other two pairs, Rajan and Anpu, and Surjit and Kartik are in adjacent warehouses.

Our photographer Sidharth Sarcar waited patiently to watch these spaces transform from empty warehouses to habitable spaces of performance.


#INTERSECT: Six artists, Three collaborations

Indranjan Banerjee


The creative process for each #INTERSECT performance is intriguing, with hitches and glitches and rewards along the way. We spoke to some of the artists and tried to gather a sense of where they are with their work and what their experiences, learnings and discoveries have been, through this process of making a collaborative work.

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